
Linux file names || Linux file name convention

 File Names 

·        LINUX permits file names to use most characters, but avoid spaces, tabs and characters that have a special meaning to the shell, such as: 

   & ; ( ) | ? \ ' " ` [ ] { } < > $ - ! /    

·        Case Sensitivity: uppercase and lowercase are not the same! These are three different files:

           NOVEMBER       November     november    

·        Length: can be up to 256 characters 

·        Extensions: may be used to identify types of files

     libc.a       - archive, library file

     program.c    - C language source file

     alpha2.f     - Fortran source file

     xwd2ps.o     - Object/executable code

     mygames.Z    - Compressed file    

·        Hidden Files: have names that begin with a dot (.) For example:

     .cshrc      .login      .mailrc     .mwmrc            

·        Uniqueness: as children in a family, no two files with the same parent directory can have the same name. Files located in separate directories can have identical names. 

·        Reserved Filenames:

          /   - the root directory (slash)

     .   - current directory (period)

     ..  - parent directory (double period)

     ~   - your home directory (tilde)


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